title: "Working with ACS microdata in R"
bibliography: "../../blog.bib"
author: "Peter Amerkhanian"
date: "2025-02-20"
description: "Using `ipumsr`, geocorr, and `survey` to analyze a small-geography in IPUMS data."
draft: false
image: thumbnail.png
engine: knitr
cache: false
freeze: auto
categories: ['R', 'Data Management']
df-print: kable
toc: true
toc-depth: 3
code-fold: false
code-tools: true
wrap: 72
#| code-fold: true
#| output: false
# Statistics
# Webscraping
# Census
# XML Parsing
The following are my notes on how to use American Community Survey (ACS)
microdata, leveraging the University of Minnesota's Integrated Public
Use Microdata Series (IPUMS).[^1] I cover:
[^1]: I want to note that several of the points I cover here are things
I learned from some coworkers-- [Bert
Wilden](https://www.bwilden.com/) and Stephanie Peng.
1. **Retrieval**: how to choose which ACS product is relevant, how to
submit a request to IPUMS, and how to filter down to relevant levels
of geography/granularity.
2. **Analysis**: how to properly weight ACS data using sample and
replication weights for accurate analysis and uncertainty
I'll start with a motivating question: **What was the median household
income in Oakland, California in 2022?**
## Aggregate data with `tidycensus`
Answering that question is straightforward using the Census' *aggregate*
data -- pre-calculated descriptive statistics for aggregate geographies.
I typically retrieve aggregate data via the [Census
In R, the `tidycensus` package provides an easy-to-use wrapper for that
API. Note that I set up an API key for the U.S. Census and I'm storing
it in my `.Renviron` file as `census_api_key="yourkeyhere"`.
[^2]: For an informal analysis, I might just use a web-based tool like
[Census Reporter](https://censusreporter.org/) to quickly look
something up.
#| output: false
#| warning: false
I query `B19013_001`, the median household income variable, using the
2022 1-year American Community Survey sample and I filter down to
Oakland's GEOID, `0653000`, which is a combination of the state code for
California, `06`, and the place code for Oakland, `53000`.[^3] I'll
throw in the total population variable for good measure:
[^3]: See the [full variable list for the 2022 1-year
ACS](https://api.census.gov/data/2022/acs/acs1/variables.html) for
the available variables, and see the [Census Place
for looking up GEOIDs
#| warning: false
#| label: tbl-agg-data
#| tbl-cap: "Total Population and Median Household Income in Oakand, CA via Aggregate Data"
oakland_stats <- get_acs(
geography = "place",
variables = c(
median_hh_income = "B19013_001",
total_pop = "B17001_001"
state = "CA",
year = 2022,
survey = "acs1"
oakland_stats <- oakland_stats %>% filter(GEOID == '0653000')
oakland_stats %>% select(c(variable, estimate, moe))
Done! We now know the population and median household income for Oakland
in 2022, along with a margin of error. See [@walker_analyzing_2023] for
a comprehensive treatment of working with aggregate census data.
## Microdata with IPUMS/`ipumsr`
What if I wanted to have access to the underlying data used to calculate
the median? Maybe I want to try a different standard error specification
for that statistic, or calculate other statistics, like the average
household income. These tasks would all entail accessing census
*microdata* -- household and/or individual level census data.
One of the most popular sources for downloading census microdata is the
University of Minnesota's Integrated Public Use Microdata Series
(IPUMS). The IPUMS team provides a centralized API for downloading
census microdata, comprehensive documentation for working with the data,
and harmonized variables across time [@walker_analyzing_2023, chapter
The easiest way to access IPUMS data in R is with the
[`ipumsr`](https://tech.popdata.org/ipumsr/) package, which the IPUMS
team maintains and which allows users to submit API requests to IPUMS
directly from R [@greg_freedman_ellis_ipumsr_2024] . To get set up, I
[registered for an IPUMS API
key](https://developer.ipums.org/docs/v2/get-started/), stored the key
in my `.Renviron` file, and will configure the key in `ipumsr` as
#| output: false
The `ipumsr` website [provides
on what survey products the project currently supports, as does the
`ipums_data_collections()` function:
#| label: tbl-ipums-available
#| tbl-cap: "IPUMS API Collections"
ipums_data_collections() %>%
filter(api_support == TRUE) %>%
I'll look at IPUMS USA since my motivating question involves median
household income for a year (2022), and IPUMS USA offers annual data
from decennial censuses 1790-2010 and American Community Surveys (ACS)
2000-present [@ruggles_ipums_2024]. We can check out the newest products
they have in the USA collection as follows:
#| label: tbl-acs-datasets
#| tbl-cap: "IPUMS USA Products"
get_sample_info(collection="usa") %>%
arrange(desc(name)) %>%
Note that "PRCS" refers to the Puerto Rico Community Survey (an ACS
equivalent specifically tailored to Puerto Rico). We are principally
interested in the ACS, which comes in either one-year (e.g. 2023 ACS) or
five-year (e.g. 2018-2022, ACS 5-year) estimates. The differences
between these two estimates are described in detail in [Census Data: An
in [@walker_analyzing_2023]. One differentiating point is that one-year
estimates come from a smaller, but more contemporary sample. In our case
we'll use the one-year to get the best sense of the 2022 income
Let's return to the motivating question for this post: **What was the
median household income in Oakland, California in 2022?**
To answer that we will:
1. Get income data from the 2022 1-year ACS (@sec-step-1).
2. Filter our data down to households in the city of Oakland (@sec-step-2
and @sec-step-3).
3. Calculate the median (@sec-step-4 and @sec-step-5).
## Step 1: Retrieving data {#sec-step-1}
For the first task, I'll define several helper functions:
- `retrieve_sample()` retrieves a list of variables from a given ACS
sample from the IPUMS API. This is the only truly necessary code.
- `check_description()` and `ipums_data()` are functions for checking
if the target extract already exists locally. Retrieving an extract
can take some time, and I'd like to avoid doing it repeatedly when
I've already downloaded the extract in the past.
Each of these are defined in the following folded code block.
#| code-fold: true
retrieve_sample <- function(sample, variables, description) {
extract <- define_extract_micro(
description = description,
collection = "usa",
samples = c(sample),
variables = variables
data_path <- extract %>%
submit_extract() %>%
wait_for_extract() %>%
download_extract(download_dir = here::here("data"),
overwrite = TRUE)
data <- read_ipums_micro(data_path)
check_description <- function(file, description) {
xml_text <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE) %>% paste(collapse = "\n")
user_description <- str_match(xml_text, "User-provided description:\\s*(.*)]]")[, 2]
# Check if it matches the target
if (str_detect(user_description, fixed(description, ignore_case = TRUE))) {
} else {
ipums_data <- function(sample, variables, description) {
local_ipums_extracts <- list.files(
path = here::here('data'),
pattern = "\\.xml$",
full.names = TRUE
matching_files <- compact(map(local_ipums_extracts, \(x) check_description(x, description)))
# If there is a match, open the first matching file
if (length(matching_files) > 0) {
matched_file <- matching_files[[1]]
message("Opening: ", matched_file)
data <- read_ipums_micro(matched_file)
} else {
message("No matching dataset found.")
data <- retrieve_sample(sample, variables, description)
I'll proceed to define a list of variables that I want, including
`HHINCOME` (household income) and `INCTOT` (individual income). Some of
these variables refer to census-specific language – i.e. `PUMA` ,
`REPWT` , `REPWTP`. I'll cover exactly what each of these represent
later in the post, but in the meantime I'll also note that the IPUMS
website has [full reference
materials](https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/variables/group) for all
available variables.
variables <- list(
case_selections = "06")
Note the line, `var_spec("STATEFIP", case_selections = "06")`. This
selects the variable `STATEFIP`, while also specifying that we want to
restrict our request to data where `STATEFIP=='06'` (California). Using
is important, as accidentally/unnecessarily downloading an unfiltered,
full sample of the entire U.S. is time-consuming.
Anyways, I can request these variables from the 2022 1-year ACS via
my`ipums_data()` function.
#| output: false
data <- ipums_data("us2022a", variables, "Incomes by PUMA")
Here are the resulting data, the 2022 1-year ACS for California.
#| label: tbl-raw
#| tbl-cap: "Unfiltered 2022 1-year ACS data for California"
data %>% head()
## Step 2: Using Geocorr to identify small geographies {#sec-step-2}
We now have microdata for all of California, but we need to filter down
to just Oakland. Unfortunately, this isn't as simple as just running
`filter(CITY == 'Oakland')` -- ACS microdata does not include a field
for explicitly identifying cities (note that a city is typically
referred to as a "place" in census data).
The smallest geographic area explicitly identified in the microdata is
something called a public use microdata area (PUMA) [@pastoor_how_2024].
PUMAS are unique geographies that always aggregate to the state-level
(e.g. California can be constructed with a collection of PUMAs), but
only sometimes aggregate to other small geographic areas, such as city,
metro area, and county [See [Census
in @walker_analyzing_2023, chapter 1].
```{r fig.asp = .6}
#| code-fold: true
#| fig-cap: "Places and PUMAS in the Bay Area (region border in red)"
#| warning: false
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
bay_area_counties <- c(
"Alameda", "Contra Costa", "Marin", "Napa",
"San Francisco", "San Mateo", "Santa Clara", "Solano", "Sonoma"
bay_area <- counties(state = "CA", class = "sf", year=2022) %>%
filter(NAME %in% bay_area_counties) %>%
st_union() # Merge counties into a single boundary
# Get all California Places & PUMAs
places <- places(state = "CA", class = "sf", year=2022)
pumas <- pumas(state = "CA", class = "sf", year=2022)
# Filter only those in the Bay Area
places_bay <- places[st_intersects(places, bay_area, sparse = FALSE), ]
pumas_bay <- pumas[st_intersects(pumas, bay_area, sparse = FALSE), ]
pumas_bbox <- st_bbox(bay_area)
crop_theme <- theme(
panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"),
plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0, "cm")
map_places <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = places_bay, fill = "lightblue", color = "darkgrey", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf(data = bay_area, fill = NA, color = "red", size = 4) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(pumas_bbox["ymin"], pumas_bbox["ymax"]), xlim = c(pumas_bbox["xmin"], pumas_bbox["xmax"]), expand=FALSE) + # Apply PUMAs y-limits
crop_theme +
theme_minimal() +
map_pumas <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = pumas_bay, fill = "lightblue", color = "darkgrey", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf(data = bay_area, fill = NA, color = "red", size = 4) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(pumas_bbox["ymin"], pumas_bbox["ymax"]), xlim = c(pumas_bbox["xmin"], pumas_bbox["xmax"]), expand=FALSE) + # Ensure y-axis is the same
crop_theme +
theme_minimal() +
plot_grid(map_places, map_pumas, nrow = 1, align = "h", axis="t", vjust = 0)
To find out if a city corresponds to a collection of PUMAs and which
PUMAs those are, we'll use
(geographic correspondence engine), an application that generates
correlation lists showing relationships between two or more geographic
coverages in the United States [@mihalik_missouri_2022]. Geocorr is a
sponsored program of the Missouri State library and published by the
University of Missouri Center for Health Policy.[^4]
[^4]: I'll to note that the combination of IPUMS and Geocorr is a
fantastic public good, and it's extremely generous of the public
Universities of Minnesota and Missouri to publish these.
"Geocorr 2022: Geographic Correspondence
To use Geocorr, I'll define a function, `geocorr_2022()` that queries
Geocorr 2022 and retrieves a .csv file establishing the relationships
between two sets of geographies within a given state. See the following
folded code chunk for the specifics:
#| code-fold: true
geocorr_2022 <- function(state, geo_1, geo_2, weight_var) {
base_url <- "https://mcdc.missouri.edu"
params <- glue(
initial_url <- params %>% url_absolute(base = base_url)
initial_response <- GET(initial_url)
html_content <- content(initial_response, as = "text")
parsed_html <- read_html(html_content)
# Extract the one link
csv_url <- parsed_html %>%
html_node("a") %>%
html_attr("href") %>%
stringr::str_trim() %>%
url_absolute(base = base_url)
csv_data <- read_csv(csv_url)
We'll use that function to establish the relationships between
California's 2022 PUMAs and its "places," using individual population as
measured in the 2020 Decenial Census to weight the relationships.
#| output: false
csv_data <- geocorr_2022("Ca06", "puma22", "place", "pop20")
With that, we can see which PUMAs correspond to the City of Oakland.
#| label: tbl-correspondence
#| tbl-cap: "PUMA to Place correspondence for Oakand, CA"
csv_data %>%
select(-c(state, stab, place, PUMA22name)) %>%
filter(PlaceName == 'Oakland city, CA')
The `AFACT` (allocation factor) column shows the proportion of the
source area contained in the target area -- in this case the proportion
of the PUMA population that belongs to Oakland. In this case, 100% of
the populations in PUMAs 111, 112, 113, and 123 belong to Oakland, and
0% of PUMA 114. GEOCORR does believe that 9 individuals from 114 live in
Oakland, but based on the AFACT of 0 and the fact that I know the PUMA overlays the neighboring city of Piedmont, I'll feel comfortable dropping
that PUMA.[^5]
Note that when you plot place to PUMA equivalence, you
may find slight differences due to the fact that places can include
un-populated areas, such as bodies of water [in the case of
[^5]: Were the AFACT higher, e.g. 1%, I could randomly sample 1% of the
individuals from that PUMA and include them in my Oakland sample.
```{r fig.asp = .58}
#| code-fold: true
#| warning: false
#| fig-cap: "Place to PUMAs Correspondence in Oakland (place border in red)"
# Filter PUMAs for Oakland
oakland_pumas <- pumas_bay %>% filter(PUMACE20 %in% c('00111', '00112', '00113', '00123'))
oakland_place <- places_bay %>% filter(NAME == 'Oakland')
# Get bounding box for Oakland PUMAs
oakland_bbox <- st_bbox(oakland_place)
crop_theme <- theme(
panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"),
plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0, "cm"),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank()
# Oakland Places Map
map_places <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = oakland_place, fill = "lightblue", color = "darkgrey", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf(data = oakland_place, fill = NA, color = "red", size = 4) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(oakland_bbox["ymin"], oakland_bbox["ymax"]),
xlim = c(oakland_bbox["xmin"], oakland_bbox["xmax"]),
expand = FALSE) +
theme_minimal() +
crop_theme +
ggtitle("Oakland (Place)")
# Oakland PUMAs Map
map_pumas <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = oakland_pumas, fill = "lightblue", color = "darkgrey", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf_text(data = oakland_pumas, aes(label = PUMACE20)) +
geom_sf(data = oakland_place, fill = NA, color = "red", size = 4) +
#geom_sf(data = oakland_pumas, fill = NA, color = "red", size = 4) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(oakland_bbox["ymin"], oakland_bbox["ymax"]),
xlim = c(oakland_bbox["xmin"], oakland_bbox["xmax"]),
expand = FALSE) +
theme_minimal() +
crop_theme +
ggtitle("Oakland (PUMAs)")
plot_grid(map_places, map_pumas, nrow = 1, align = "h", axis = "t", vjust = 0)
Filtering to those PUMAs gets us the 2022 1-year ACS microdata for the
City of Oakland (I use `haven::zap_labels()` just to remove
some unnecessary formatting that comes with the data).
#| label: tbl-oakland-raw
#| tbl-cap: "2022 1-year ACS data for Oakland, CA"
oakland_pumas <- c(111, 112, 113, 123)
oak <- data %>%
filter(PUMA %in% oakland_pumas) %>%
oak %>% head()
## Step 3: Units of Analysis {#sec-step-3}
Each row in the ACS microdata is an individual, identified by a unique
combination of `SAMPLE`, which defines the year when the individual was
surveyed, `SERIAL`, a unique identifier for that individual's household,
and `PERNUM`, a unique identifier for the individual within their
household [@ruggles_ipums_2024]. Thus, we can identify units as follows:
- **Households**: The combination of `SAMPLE` and `SERIAL` provides a
unique identifier for every household in the IPUMS
- **Individuals**: The combination of `SAMPLE`, `SERIAL`, and `PERNUM`
provides a unique identifier for every person in the IPUMS
We can group by these variable combinations and see how many individuals
and households were surveyed across PUMAs in Oakland for the 2022 1-year
ACS. We can see that each row in the data represents an individual
(`n_rows` equals `n_individuals`) and, as we would expect, the number of
households is much lower than the number of individuals.
#| label: tbl-granularity
#| tbl-cap: "Oakland Dataset Granularity by PUMA"
oak %>% group_by(PUMA) %>% summarise(
n_rows = n(),
n_individuals = n_distinct(SAMPLE, SERIAL, PERNUM),
n_households = n_distinct(SAMPLE, SERIAL)
I'll also randomly select a household in the data to see what such a
unit looks like in practice.
#| label: tbl-example-hh
#| tbl-cap: "An example household with income data"
#| code-fold: true
household_serials <- oak %>%
group_by(SERIAL) %>%
count() %>%
filter(n > 1) %>%
sample_household <- sample(household_serials, 1)
n <- oak %>% filter(SERIAL == sample_household) %>% dim() %>% .[1]
oak %>% filter(SERIAL == sample_household) %>%
Here we can see that this household, with `SERIAL`
`{r} format(sample_household, scientific=FALSE)` has `{r} n` members,
each with a unique `PERNUM`.
Let's return to the motivating question – **what was the median
household income in Oakland, California in 2022?** Note the income
variables we observe for this family:
1. `INCTOT` reports each respondent's total pre-tax personal income or
losses from all sources for the previous year. `9999999` is code to
denote that the value is missing, which makes sense given that the
missing values above correspond to children in the household [See
[INCTOT](https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/variables/INCTOT) in
2. `HHINCOME` reports the total money income of all household members
age 15+ during the previous year. The amount should equal the sum of
all household members' individual incomes, as recorded in the
person-record variable INCTOT [See
[HHINCOME](https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/variables/HHINCOME) in
Given what we know about the unique identifier for households, and the
`HHINCOME` variable, we can construct the appropriate dataset for
answering our motivating question – every household in Oakland that had
household income.
households_w_income <- oak %>%
distinct(SAMPLE, SERIAL, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
filter(HHINCOME != 9999999, HHINCOME > 0)
It seems we can proceed to simply calculate the median of the `HHINCOME`
column? Not so fast... Data in the ACS microdata are not what they seem.
Before we do any analysis, we have to account for **sample weights**.
## Step 4: Applying sample weights {#sec-step-4}
Let's return to our sample family from above, but also examine the
variables `PERWT` and `HHWT`.
#| label: tbl-example-hh-weights
#| tbl-cap: "An example household with weight data"
oak %>% filter(SERIAL == sample_household) %>%
These are the two primary sample weights in ACS microdata, and they can
be interpreted fairly directly.
- `PERWT` gives the population represented by each individual in the sample, thus in the first row of the sample household, the 31 year old woman with an individual income of \$9,300 represents 62 individuals in the PUMA.
- `HHWT` gives the number of households in the general population represented by each household in the sample, thus this household is representative of 62 households in that PUMA.
Any analysis or visualization of ACS microdata should be weighted by
`PERWT` for work at the person-level, and `HHWT` for the household-level [See
[Sample Weights](https://usa.ipums.org/usa/intro.shtml#weights) in
For visualizations, we pass the weights to the plotting API. For example, in `ggplot` many chart types support a `weight` argument.
```{r fig.asp = .5}
#| fig-cap: "Household Income Distribution in Oakland (with household weights)"
ggplot(households_w_income, aes(x = HHINCOME, weight = HHWT)) +
binwidth = 50000,
fill = "lightblue",
alpha = 1,
color = "grey"
) +
theme_minimal() +
labels = scales::label_currency(scale_cut = scales::cut_short_scale()),
breaks = seq(0, 1600000, 200000)
) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::label_comma()) +
labs(x = "Household Income", y = "Number of Households")
For analysis, we use the [`srvyr`](http://gdfe.co/srvyr/reference/index.html)
package to define the survey weights before using them to
calculate statistics. For example, here we'll finally address the motivating question. **The median
household income in Oakland in 2022** as measured in the IPUMS microdata
was as follows:
#| label: tbl-answer
#| tbl-cap: "2022 Median Household Income in Oakland, CA"
households_w_income %>%
as_survey(weights=HHWT) %>%
summarise(weighted_median = survey_median(HHINCOME)) %>%
Let's do a quick comparison of our IPUMS results to the aggregate census
data we retrieved in the first section. Here are our full IPUMS results
for both median household income and population:
#| code-fold: true
#| label: tbl-ipums-res
#| tbl-cap: "IPUMS versus ACS aggregate results"
median_table <- households_w_income %>%
as_survey(weights=HHWT) %>%
summarise(weighted_median = survey_median(HHINCOME)) %>%
mutate(variable = "median_hh_income",
ipums_estimate = weighted_median,
se = weighted_median_se)
count_table <- oak %>%
as_survey(weights=PERWT) %>%
survey_count() %>%
mutate(variable = "total_pop",
ipums_estimate = n,
se = n_se)
aggregate_data <- oakland_stats %>%
select(c(variable, estimate)) %>%
rename(ACS_aggregate_estimate = estimate)
bind_rows(count_table, median_table) %>%
select(c(variable, ipums_estimate)) %>% inner_join(aggregate_data, by='variable')
These are clearly different. What gives? Unfortunately, **summary
statistics calculated using IPUMS data typically cannot match aggregate
ACS figures!**
One major reason for this gap is additional sampling error. Recall that
the American Community Survey is a sample. A given one-year ACS is
typically a 1% sample of the U.S. population, with associated sampling
error. When the census makes microdata available, they create a sample
of that sample -- we do not get the full 1%. This second sampling
process introduces further sampling error in the microdata that is not
reflected in figures sourced from aggregate ACS data, which are
calculated using the full ACS sample [[See
ACS](https://usa.ipums.org/usa/chapter2/chapter2.shtml#ACS) in
## Step 5: Calculating standard errors {#sec-step-5}
Now we have estimates derived from the ACS microdata, but how do we
communicate uncertainty around those estimates? For the sake of this example, let's explore the problem of standard
errors via a slightly different motivating question -- **what was the
average household income in Oakland in 2022**?
I'm switching to the
average because we are about to calculate some standard errors
from-scratch, and that's much more clear-cut for linear statistics like
the average than for non-linear statistics like the median. We will
return to the median at the end of this section, but rely on a package
implementation and not do anything from-scratch.
Anyways, let's calculate the average household income in Oakland using
the sample household weights. The [formula for the weighted
is: $$
\bar{X}_w = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_ix_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_i}
$$ We'll put that into code and get the following estimate of the
average household income in Oakland:
weighted_mean <- (
sum(households_w_income$HHINCOME * households_w_income$HHWT)
/ sum(households_w_income$HHWT)
Now, let's get a standard error for that estimate. Correctly utilizing
the sample weights in the variance calculation is [a little
and there are a few different approaches to the problem. I'll cover two
techniques for variance estimation: the Taylor series method (also
referred to as "linearized variance" or Taylor series linearization) and
replication weights. Each of these are implemented in the `survey`
package [@lumley_analysis_2004].
### The Taylor series method
Most packages (e.g.
[Stata](https://www.stata.com/manuals/svyvarianceestimation.pdf), and
R's [`survey`
default to using the Taylor series method for variance estimation of
weighted statistics. This is because weighted statistics, like the
average above, are not linear with respect to the weights, making analytical calculation of
the variance difficult or else undefined [@lohr_sampling_2021]. The
Taylor series method entails calculating the first-order linear
approximation of the statistic (e.g. the linear approximation of the
weighted mean formula above), then finding the variance of that
approximation. The details of those calculations are beyond the scope of
this post, but [@lohr_sampling_2021, chap 9.1] covers the process in
detail, and Wikipedia has a nice
as well. We will just work with the formula for linearized variance that
is arrived at in the Wikipedia post:
\hat{\text{Var}}(\bar{X}_w) = \frac{\sum w_i^2 (x_i - \bar{X}_w)^2}{\left(\sum w_i\right)^2}
$$ The standard error is just the square root of that variance.\
\hat{\text{SE}}(\bar{X}_w) = \sqrt{\hat{\text{Var}}(\bar{X}_w)}
$$ We'll code that up in R:
numerator <- sum(households_w_income$HHWT^2 * (households_w_income$HHINCOME - weighted_mean)^2)
denominator <- sum(households_w_income$HHWT)^2
variance <- numerator / denominator
se <- sqrt(variance)
That result is a usable estimate for the standard error of the average
household income in Oakland. Of course in practice we would always use a
package, in this case `survey`, for calculating that. Here I'll
calculate the average household income in Oakland using `survey`, and it
will default to returning a standard error via the Taylor series method.
#| label: tbl-wrong-se
#| tbl-cap: "Taylor Series Method Standard Error"
households_w_income %>%
as_survey(weights=HHWT) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean = survey_mean(HHINCOME))
This standard error is off from ours by about \$1, which could be due to
other corrections applied in the package's variance calculation. We
needn't be too worried about this discrepancy, though. While the Taylor
series method is popular in survey analysis, [IPUMS
recommends](https://usa.ipums.org/usa/repwt.shtml) that we use the
replication weights method when working with ACS microdata.
### Replication weights
In theory, the [standard error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_error) of an estimate measures the variation of a
statistic across multiple samples from a given population. Our sample
standard error above, calculated using just the one sample, is an
estimate of that theoretical standard error.
Replicate methods operate under the assumption that one sample can be
conceived of as a miniature version of the population. Instead of taking
multiple samples from the population to construct a variance estimator,
one may simply resample from the full, original sample to mimic the
theoretical basis of standard errors [@lohr_sampling_2021, chap 9.1].
In practice, we don't explicitly do any resampling, instead relying on "replicate weights" that the census pre-computes. Here we can see
what replicate weights (in this case, household replicate weights) look
like in our data. Each of `REPWT`, 1 through 80, is a set of alternative
household weights, slightly different from the "production weight,"
#| label: tbl-rep-weights
#| tbl-cap: "ACS Replicate Household Weights"
households_w_income %>%
mutate(` ` = "...") %>%
select(c(HHINCOME, HHWT, REPWT1, REPWT2, ` `, REPWT79, REPWT80)) %>%
We can use replicate weights in a variety of alternative variance
estimates. In the IPUMS documentation on ACS replicate weights, they
outline a [variance estimation
that matches the "successive difference replication (SDR) variance"
method. We obtain SDR variance by calculating our statistic
of interest with the production weights (e.g. `HHWT`) as follows:\
\bar{X}_w = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\text{HHWT}_ix_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\text{HHWT}_i}
Then, for each of the 80 household replicate weights (e.g. `REPWT1`), we
calculate the weighted average income using the replicate weight\
\bar{X}_r = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\text{REPWT}_{ri}x_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\text{REPWT}_{ri}}
$$ and sum the squared deviations between that "replicate-weighted"
estimate, $\bar{X}_r$, and the production weighted estimate.
Specifically: $$
\hat{\text{Var}}(\bar{X}_w) &= \frac{4}{80} \sum_{r=1}^{80} (\bar{X}_r - \bar{X}_w)^2
[@fay_aspects_1995] initially proposed that variance estimator and [their
paper](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/working-papers/1995/demo/faytrain95.pdf) gives the full derivation. The standard error is once again just
the square root of that variance.
\hat{\text{SE}}(\bar{X}_w) = \sqrt{\hat{\text{Var}}(\bar{X}_w)}
$$ In code, calculated via a for-loop, we'd get the following:
# Calculate X_r
X_r <- vector()
for (r in 1:80){
X_r[r] <- households_w_income %>%
as_survey(weights=glue("REPWT", r)) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean = survey_mean(HHINCOME)) %>%
# Calculate X
X <- households_w_income %>%
as_survey(weights=HHWT) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean = survey_mean(HHINCOME)) %>%
# Sum over r
sqrt( (4/80) * sum( (X_r - X)^2 ) )
To be clear, we don't do that manually in practice -- `survey` supports
specifying survey designs with replicate weights. The following is an
implementation of the same standard error calculation procedure. Note
the identical output.
households_w_income %>%
weight = HHWT ,
repweights = matches("REPWT[0-9]+"),
type = "successive-difference",
mse = TRUE) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean = survey_mean(HHINCOME))
There are a few different replicate methods for variance estimation,
several of which are equivalent. For example, the successive-difference
standard error above is equivalent to using [Fay's Balanced Repeated
with the Faye coefficient set to $\epsilon=.5$.
households_w_income %>%
weight = HHWT ,
repweights = matches("REPWT[0-9]+"),
type = "Fay",
mse = TRUE) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean = survey_mean(HHINCOME))
IPUMS' documentation [recommends](https://usa.ipums.org/usa/repwt.shtml)
the following specification, where the replicate method is set to "ACS."
This has the same output as the previous two specifications, and is
presumably implementing SDR variance.
households_w_income %>%
weight = HHWT,
repweights = matches("REPWT[0-9]+"),
type = "ACS",
mse = TRUE) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean = survey_mean(HHINCOME))
Now that we have the methods established, we'll return to the median,
rather than the mean, household income. Some of the above formulas would
be different for the median, but the code and package implementations
are the same. Here we will calculate the median household income in
Oakland, and the standard error for that statistic using three methods:
1. ACS aggregate data retrieval
2. Estimation via IPUMS microdata with Taylor series variance/standard
3. Estimation via IPUMS microdata with replicate weight
variance/standard error
#| code-fold: true
df1 <- oakland_stats %>%
mutate(`Standard Error` = moe/1.645, Method = 'Aggregate Data') %>%
filter(variable == 'median_hh_income') %>%
select(c(Method, estimate, `Standard Error`)) %>%
rename(`Weighted Median HH Income` = estimate)
df2 <- households_w_income %>%
weights = HHWT) %>%
summarise(`Weighted Median HH Income` = survey_median(HHINCOME)) %>%
rename(`Standard Error` = `Weighted Median HH Income_se`) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Microdata w/ Taylor Series Method') %>%
select(c(Method, `Weighted Median HH Income`, `Standard Error`))
df3 <- households_w_income %>%
weight = HHWT,
repweights = matches("REPWT[0-9]+"),
type = "ACS",
mse = TRUE) %>%
summarise(`Weighted Median HH Income` = survey_median(HHINCOME)) %>%
rename(`Standard Error` = `Weighted Median HH Income_se`) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Microdata w/ Replicate Weights') %>%
select(c(Method, `Weighted Median HH Income`, `Standard Error`))
combined_df <- bind_rows(df1, df2, df3)
In IPUMS testing of ACS/PRCS data, replicate weights usually increase
standard errors, though in our case the replicate weights produced a
slightly smaller standard error than the Taylor series method.
## A Production Workflow
Putting all of this post together, here is production code that I would
use to build a dataset for analyzing household-level variables in
Oakland, leaning on the IPUMS and geocorr helper functions I defined
above, and specifying replicate weights and "ACS" variance.
#| output: false
# Get the IPUMS data for California
data <- ipums_data("us2022a", variables, "Incomes by PUMA")
# Find the geographic correspondence for places -> pumas
csv_data <- geocorr_2022("Ca06", "puma22", "place", "pop20")
# isolate pumas that correspond to oakland and have oak population
oak_pumas <- csv_data %>%
select(-c(state, stab, place, PUMA22name)) %>%
filter(PlaceName == 'Oakland city, CA', afact > 0) %>%
pull(puma22) %>%
# Filter the IPUMS data to those pumas
oak_hh_w_inc <- data %>%
filter(PUMA %in% oak_pumas) %>%
distinct(SAMPLE, SERIAL, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
filter(HHINCOME != 9999999, HHINCOME > 0) %>%
# convert the IPUMS data to a survey dataset
oak_hh_inc_svy <- households_w_income %>%
weight = HHWT,
repweights = matches("REPWT[0-9]+"),
type = "ACS",
mse = TRUE)
And here is the median household income.
oak_hh_inc_svy %>%
summarise(median_hh_inc = survey_median(HHINCOME))
#| echo: false
#| output: false
#| echo: false
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(r['households_w_income'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
sns.kdeplot(data=df, x='HHINCOME', weights="HHWT", ax=ax, fill=True, alpha=.5, log_scale=True, legend=False, cmap="coolwarm")
ax.set_xlim(8e2, 10e6)
#ax.set_xlim(-1, 1e6)
fig.savefig("thumbnail.png", dpi=300)